Family Scriptures-the comedy version

We read in the scriptures every night together as a whole family.  Everyone who can actually read does three verses, and the two youngest ones just mimic back one or two shorter verses.  We have seen great success doing it this way.  It doesn’t take so long that the kids get bored, and they will actually ask if we are taking our scriptures on trips.  Yes, don’t worry, Nick, we packed them!  Usually we read the Book of Mormon, but we have also read the Pearl of Great Price, at Nick’s request, and this year we are reading the New Testament.  The kids ask some pretty good questions, although not all of them have to do with the topic.  In fact, whenever someone raises their hand, we first ask “Does it have to do with what we are reading?” If the answer is no, they aren’t allowed to ask it until after we are done.  Harsh? Not really.  We are just trying to streamline the process. 🙂

Anyway, we are in the Gospel of Luke now. And having already read the first two Gospels, many of the stories are repeats, with just slight variations. So they can tell when a favorite parable or incident is starting after just the first couple of words.  Strangely enough, one of their favorite stories is the one where the caretakers of the vineyard beat up all the messengers sent by the owner, until finally they kill his son.  The first time we read it, they were shocked at how naughty the men were, and very sad that the poor son had to die.  However, last week it was the third reading, and they were getting pretty hardened to the violence and decided to have some fun with it.

The last line Sarah happened to read before bedtime went like this;”Come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be ours.”  She decided to add a bit of dramatic flair and read it in her deep, throaty monster voice.  Naturally, none of us could keep a straight face after that, and everyone was trying it out for themselves and laughing so hard they couldn’t breathe.  So, if you’re ever getting a bit bored with plain old scripture reading, try using different voices, like Sarah did.  Your kids will be begging you to have family scripture time every night after that!  It may not be exactly what the Prophet had in mind, but it sure made for some great memories.


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2 Responses to Family Scriptures-the comedy version

  1. Eunice says:

    I bet the family will never forget that scripture and probably, in true Lasko fashion, will be quoting it the rest of your lives. Fun times!

  2. Dani says:

    That is hilarious!! Ever since we came to stay with you the first time, or maybe it was when you came to us – we have been reading scriptures like that with Corben and now Maddie. Of course Corben can read on his own now, but what a fabulous way for younger children to “read” along. I love the humor aspect…I may have to try that sometime. ;]

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