Secret Agent Noah

Noah also had his big friend party the last week of school.  On Wednesday afternoon, we invited a bunch of his friends to take part in a top secret mission, once they completed their spy training, of course. I am so sad I didn’t take any pictures of the invitations.  I  used manilla file folders, cut down to a smaller size, and attached a photo of each child to the outside, obtained from their class picture.  We had a map to our house, and all pertinent information regarding the party included as their “secret mission info”.

The goody bags were supposed to be briefcases and purses for the secret agents.  Not perfect, but they got the idea.DSC_0002Inside were lots of fun things spies might need when they are out on a job.DSC_0003

As the children arrived, I had them try and figure out different messages written in secret code.  This turned out to be much harder for them than I thought it would be, but they all seemed to have fun trying.DSC_0005

The next part of their training consisted of mastering the laser maze.  That was seriously the highlight of the party.  We timed them to see who could do it the fastest,and all the kids got into it, cheering each other on.DSC_0007(Thank you to Sarah and Sophie who helped me build the maze.) That game took a while, as everyone wanted to have more than one turn. heehee

Then we played Stomp the Bomb, which would have been even more fun if the yarn I used to tie the bombs to their ankles didn’t keep breaking.DSC_0014DSC_0016

To calm them down a little big after all that activity, we had them practice writing with invisible ink.  Some of them were frustrated that they couldn’t see what they were writing, but I kept assuring them that that was the whole point.  While the lemon juice dried, we went outside to practice our shooting skills.

I had made marshmallow shooters out of plastic cups, and I gave each child several mini marshmallows and let them try and shoot them into the bowls on the ground.

DSC_0020 This proved to be much too difficult, as the shooters are not known for their accuracy. However, the kids had a blast seeing how HIGH and how FAR they could shoot their marshmallows.  This was the second hit of the party.  They were all thrilled when I told them they got to take their shooters home. We stayed out here for quite a while, but eventually the kids started to get too hot, so we moved it back inside for a drink.

While they were quenching their thirst, I handed out ransom notes to each child.  On it was a picture of a kidnapped toy that they needed to rescue as their final training exercise.  Sarah and Sophie had hidden the dolls all over the house, and they did such a good job that some kids needed to be given clues.

DSC_0027Eventually all the poor victims were rescued and reunited with their loved ones. DSC_0029

Present time came next.  And I was again so glad to see Noah receiving each present with genuine gratefulness and thanking the giver profusely, without prompting. DSC_0030He even got two of the same thing, and made sure the givers both knew how cool it was, because you always need more of the same Lego droids to make a real army. 🙂 Love that boy.

Finally it was time for the bomb cake! It was my first time really working with fondant, and my efforts were a bit pathetic, but Noah and his friends thought it was the coolest looking thing ever!DSC_0040  They were even more amazed when we cut it into it and it was filled with chocolate candy pieces.  Sadly, I was too busy passing out cake to get a photo of it.

In all the last minute hub-bub, I forgot to hand out their official spy id cards I had printed out.  Some of them had already left by the time I remembered. I had each child put their fingerprint on it, and write their name, then they could put it in their briefcase/purse to take home as well.  It was a super fun party to plan with Noah and he really seemed to have a great time with all his friends.


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One Response to Secret Agent Noah

  1. Kathy says:

    What an awesome party, Amy. You’re so clever and have lots of energy!

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