De Leu isch ab or The Lion is out

The first week in July Noah’s class put on a play, The Lion is Out.  It was such a fun little story about a lion that escapes from the traveling circus that is in town.  All the townsfolk want to help catch the lion, but tell the children to stay indoors where it is safe.  Naturally, the kids have plans of their own.  They sneak out and end up finding the lion before any of the grown ups, but this turns out to not be such a good thing as they don’t know what to do with him once they find him! Noah played the farmer who caught a glimpse of the lion in his barn, and was not happy about it. 🙂 Fortunately none of the village children were eaten by the lion and he eventually made it safely back to his cage.

When the play was over, the kids put on a little circus of their own.  There were kids doing tricks on a mini trampoline, including flips.  There were kids doing cartwheels and somersaults, and Noah showed off his awesome balancing skills.  He can balance on a large ball,  unassisted, with only one foot. He was also the lion tamer, whip included.  It was an adorable little play and you could tell the kids had had a lot of fun practicing for it and performing it.   We forgot our camera, and only had a few blurry camera shots, not even worth sharing.  There was a dad who filmed the whole thing, but I have been unable to get a copy and decided I should just get this posted and can upload a bit of it later.

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