Farewell, until we meet again

Back in St. George, I packed up all the many treasures I had acquired on my trip, and began the crazy task of weighing the luggage to make sure I wouldn’t go over on the weight amount. That is always fun, not.  I ended up having a carry on that was about 35 pounds, so that my bags would be light enough.  heehee I did have fun shopping for it all, though. 🙂

On Sunday, Mom and I took a walk while my dad had a nap.  On my first night at their house, there had been ambulances and sirens going down the road for what seemed like several hours.  We found out at church what had been the cause of all the commotion, a motor home had run off the freeway, broke through the fence barrier, jumped the sidewalk and crashed through someone’s house. We went to see the damage.

DSC01783DSC01784 The human part of the story is sad and uplifting at the same time.  An older couple was taking several of their children and grandchildren to Disneyland for Memorial weekend, and while the Grandma was driving, one of the tires blew.  Normally in a situation like that, your first instinct is to brake, which can cause the vehicle to roll.  But she knew that would most undoubtedly result in injury or death to her family who were all in the back, so she somehow managed to keep a hold of the steering wheel and keep the vehicle upright.  To slow it down, she left the road, but the speed was too great, and the motor home couldn’t stop until it ran into this house.  The people in the house were all in their bedrooms, and she hit the garage of one house, and the kitchen area of the other house, so no one was hurt there.  Unfortunately, she died in the accident, but her family were all safe in the back.  What a story of amazing courage, presence of mind, and sacrifice.

That afternoon, my brother Pete and his family came down to visit from Salt Lake.  DSC01785My camera battery died right after this, so it’s the only picture I have of them.  I was very touched that both of my brothers and their families were willing to make the long drive down from Salt Lake just to see me. Sure love those guys.

Tuesday morning my parents got up really early and drove me to the shuttle that would take me to the airport in Las Vegas.  They were willing to drive me back, just like they had picked me up, but it was such an early flight, I felt like it was enough of an imposition that they just take me to the shuttle.  It was hard to say goodbye, but I was so thankful I had been able to spend this special time with them.  Can’t wait for this summer and our big family reunion where we can see everyone all together!

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