New Beginnings

We held New Beginnings for Young Women’s a bit later this year, but it was still before both new Beehives turned twelve.  I was super excited for this one since we would be welcoming Sarah into the young women’s program.  Eeh!  Can’t believe she is going to be so old!

The theme was “Stand in Holy Places” and I saw on Pinterest some really cute invitations made to look like Converse shoes.  So at an earlier activity, I brought all the supplies and the girls all made one paper shoe, complete with laces.  Then I took them home, filled in the information and handed them back out to the girls, including the new ones.  This way, no one got the shoe they made, and it was still a bit of a surprise.  Those girls are amazingly creative.  They were all decorated so cute.

There was a lot more that we did to the theme, but my major contribution was the dessert.  For our activity that introduces the theme for the new year, I had made shoe cupcakes which were a huge hit.  The girls extra requested that I make them again, so naturally I did for New Beginnings.  they turned out so cute, even if they were a bit time consuming.DSC09014 I wish I could have found colored cupcake liners to match the color of the shoes, but alas, here in Switzerland that kind of thing is pretty difficult to find.  Also, even with my awesome American food coloring I still couldn’t get the icing actually black.  So they were more dark grey pumps.  Still my favorites, though.DSC09015 Getting them to the church was an adventure in itself.  Nick carried the tray for me, and he devised this very clever way of tilting and turning it around all the corners and twists in the road to prevent the shoes from falling over.  I was driving really slowly, but still required lots of concentration as the road between our house and the church is very zig zaggy.  Thanks, Nick!  We ended up with only one casualty thanks to his application of the laws of physics. 🙂

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