Family Egg Hunt

Saturday afternoon we had our family Easter egg hunt.  It was a cold, rainy day, so instead of going to the park/school yard, we hid them in the house.  We sent all the kids to Alexandra’s room and shut the door so we could hide the eggs without any peeking.DSC_0012 To spice things up a bit now that the kids are all getting older, I put money in several of the plastic eggs, along with the candy.  I think it was about 30 Swiss francs total, all in 1 and 2 franc coins, with one egg that contained a 5 franc coin. It worked really well, in that everyone was excited and interested in the hunt, no matter their age.  DSC_0014We also hid the eggs all over the house and in some pretty difficult places.  Chris is always super creative when it comes to this kind of stuff, and likes to give the kids, especially Nick, a real challenge. DSC_0015 In years past eggs have been hidden inside coat pockets,  in shoes in the cabinet, inside cupboard doors, and really high up on the fireplace. Of course, there are also some slightly easier ones for little Lexi.DSC_0016 It is always funny to see how often they will walk past a real egg hidden among the Easter decorations.  It just becomes part of the landscape, I guess and they don’t see it.  DSC_0018Yes, those are the girls Easter dresses on the ironing board.  I finished them completely later that night,  but no matching ties for the boys. I just ran out of time. 🙁  Those dresses weren’t hard to sew, but they were definitely time consuming.  The boys so didn’t care, glad I went to bed instead of staying up all night sewing them.

Anyway, back to the hunt.DSC_0020 We apparently hid the eggs REALLY well, because the kids took a long time to find them all.  Naturally, I hid one so well, no one found it, and I couldn’t remember where I had put it!DSC_0023Eventually I remembered that it was inside one of the ceramic egg-shaped candy dishes on the table.  Whew!  It was a real egg, and that would not have been pleasant after a while.  When all the eggs were accounted for, the kids got together and sorted out their loot.DSC_0024Between this egg hunt, the one with friends, and the stuff the Easter bunny brought the next day, the kids had enough sugar to last quite a while.  In fact, just about a week ago we finally threw away some of Sophie’s and Nick’s Easter candy.  You know, in time for Halloween. haha!

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