Shell Camoflauge

This year the kids had Thursday through Monday off for the Easter holiday.  It is always so nice to have some down time to just enjoy the kids and of course, we celebrate such an important event in history.  Chris and I took turns reading scriptures every night that corresponded with events during Christ’ last week of mortal life.  This was in addition to our normal Book of Mormon reading,  but it didn’t take that much longer.  I think it helped us all keep our focus at least somewhat on the true meaning of the holiday, despite all the fun, merriment and sugar we were surrounded by.

On Thursday, since the kids were home from school, we colored eggs for our family hunt.  I had bought a special coloring kit that required the eggs to still be warm for it to work.  But timing it so that the eggs are warm enough for the marbling to stick, but cool enough for the kids to actually hold in their hands is a bit tricky.  I ended up having to apply most of the marbling for them, although the older ones did manage to do a couple alone.

DSC_0008We used plastic bags, instead of gloves, because it was easier to get hands in and out of them quickly.

Noah decided to go with the much easier water paints.  The little contraption it comes with holds the egg in place nicely, and you can easily turn it to reach the entire egg. Some of the best money I’ve ever spent. DSC_0007

DSC_0009Alexandra likes to use one as well.  Sophie always takes lots of time drawing on her eggs with crayons, making intricate designs that show up when she dyes the eggs.  It always seems like such a shame to peel her eggs, they are works of art.  Even though I boiled 3 dozen eggs, it goes pretty quickly when you divide them up amongst 5 kids.  I know they would love to decorate more, but good gracious, we could never eat them all!


We all had a great time, and the kids couldn’t wait for our family hunt the next day when they would all get hidden.

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