
On Saturday, a week before Easter, we were invited up to Alexandra’s Kindergarten for an Easter Brunch.  The parents all signed up to bring different breakfast things, and the teacher taught the kids a few very cute spring songs.  Naturally, the males  stayed home, but I brought the girls up to the school and enjoyed the beautiful songs and adorable outfits.DSC01571The kids made the hats themselves, and were supposed to wear green shirts to complete the look.  We didn’t have anything bright green, so pastel mint had to do.  She didn’t mind, the only other option was to wear a shirt of Noah’s, which she did NOT want to do. 🙂DSC01573Alexandra doesn’t speak in Kindergarten, at all.  So I was very happy to see her singing along to the songs.  Apparently German that has been set to music isn’t nearly so scary.

After the entertainment, we went inside for the delicious brunch.  DSC01576I had planned on just dropping the kids off, and heading straight over to the church for the Relief Society brunch being held on the same day, and then leaving my thing a bit early to pick them up.  Well, I forgot that we were supposed to bring our own plates, utensils and cups for the brunch.  So I had to go home, pack that all up for the kids, go back to the school to drop it off, and then drive over to the church.  I hate when I cause myself stress like that.  I left the camera with the girls, so they could document the occasion.  This meant I had to wade through a few silly pictures to get ones that were blog appropriate. haha

DSC01577DSC01578 This may just look like an ordinary flower in a pot, but the dirt is really chocolate cake!  The girls thought that was super cool.



These bunnies were part of the decorations.  The kids cut them out of wood with handheld saws, and then painted them.  Frau Meier drew on the faces, but the kids did everything else.  Alexandra brought hers home after Easter was over, and I happily added it to our box of Easter decorations.  So cute!

My brunch was also lovely and delicious.  There are some wonderful cooks in our ward.  My friend is the counselor in charge of activities, and my other good friend is the president, so I absolutely wanted to come support them. Even if it meant a bit of running around.  There were some very fun trivia games on past Relief Society presidents of the church, and a few word games as well.  It was well thought out and everyone seemed to have a very good time.

Sarah had her cell phone with her and gave me a call when they were ready to be picked up.  So I did have to leave a bit abruptly.  I always feel a bit guilty about not staying to help and clean up.  But I just couldn’t this time.  We all agreed that it was a lovely morning, and we were so glad we had gone.DSC01593

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