Christmas Eve!

I spent a lot of Christmas Eve day helping the kids finish up their presents to each other.  (Also, when Chris and I were first married, he would always correct me that “Christmas Eve day” wasn’t a thing and I shouldn’t say it.  Guess who now calls it that as well? bwahahahaha!)  Anyway, early that evening we had a fancy dinner complete with “cheer cups”.DSC_0033 My mom always had a big fancy meal on Christmas Eve and I kind of liked doing it that way as well.  Christmas Day you are always so tired and just feel like lazing around, so it was nice not to have to cook a big meal.  I am going to have to do something about getting a permanent Christmas tablecloth.  That red material we are currently using is going to be the girls’ Christmas dresses next year!

DSC_0029Every year I think we have the best tree ever and this year was no exception.  Chris let me come along with him and the girls to pick it out this year.  He instructed me on the very detailed criteria he uses to weed out the bad ones and narrow it down to 2 or 3 contenders.  What is says on the price tag never comes into consideration, it’s all about fullness, color, height and uniformity.  That man sure does love a good Christmas tree!

See the little Santa pants and Santa jackets hanging on the tree?  Those are new this year.  I saw them in Migros and just had to have them.  There are also Santa hats, but I don’t know if those can be seen as well.  The pants and jacket just happened to fit Snowflake as well.  We know because we caught her in the tree trying them on!

DSC_0031I like to have the present mostly color-coordinated and have even been tempted on occasion to rewrap presents that we are sent by loved ones so they will match.  But I never actually have.  I do admit to sometimes hiding them in the back of the tree, though! 🙂  But I am not completely mental when it comes to Christmas.  I let the kids decorate the tree however they want and stopped moving the decorations to better locations several years ago. haha

DSC_0039 After a toast to Christmas cheer, we enjoyed our delicious feast and then got ready for our nativity play.  No pictures this year, sadly.  But it was fun as usual.  Papa read a few Christmas stories and then it was off to bed for the little ones.  It is so fun to see how excited they always are, unable to sleep, full of giddy laughter and anticipation.  I am soaking it all up now, as I know it won’t last forever.  Chris and I stayed up a bit later, wrapping a few more presents, and then we also went to bed, full of excitement for the fun that lay ahead.

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