General Conference

The kids were really excited about Conference this year.  They started asking when it would be on about a month in advance.  I am not kidding myself, I don’t think they are so much looking forward to being spiritually fed as I am.  No, its the whole staying-home-watching-church-on-tv-while-wearing-pajamas that they get excited about. Oh, and the giant bowls of candy they get to play Conference bingo with, and also consume should they so desire.  Still, they do genuinely like listening to President Monson, and recognize several other apostles by face and name, so it is sinking in regardless.

This is generally what it looks like at our house during Conference time.

Lots of lounging around in comfy clothes, and kids coloring and playing Bingo all over the floor.  Even though we didn’t have to attend church the next day, we still had them take their usual Saturday night baths before watching the Saturday morning session that night.  They also like getting to stay up a bit later to watch it until the very end. 😉

The kids made Chris take this picture because they thought I looked so funny.  I did a bit of cross-stitching while listening on Sunday morning, and I wore my new magnifying glasses, much to their delight.I just can’t focus on those tiny stitches any more, and the glasses really help!  But they sure do change my appearance!

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