Happy Birthday, Noah

Noah’s birthday was on Sunday, the day after we got back from Austria.  Fortunately his big party had already taken place, because there would have been no time to get much of a big too-doo ready.  We have picked up his birthday cereal while in Austria, and fortunately he wanted something easy for lunch, like tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.  🙂  Finally, that afternoon it was time for presents, the best part!

They had to wait a few minutes for everyone to gather, thus the non-interested faces. 🙂

So happy he still likes to cuddle.  It’s my favorite part of being a mom, and the older kids only allow it at bedtime. But I am thankful they allow it at all.

Finally, he can dive into that big pile of wrapped goodies and see what is inside!  Sarah was more than happy to jump in and help if needed. haha  One of the presents he received was a new watch, his first one ever. He immediately asked me where I got it, and I explained that I had bought it on our trip to Legoland in June.  (didn’t take pictures, therefore no post on my blog was made about it).  He was shocked, because naturally all the kids had been with me in the shop and were there when I bought everything.  Aw, but I hid it the entire time we were in the shop, and then just at the right moment asked them to please go wait for me over there while I paid for everything so they wouldn’t be in the way of anyone else.  Then I whipped it out and placed it on the counter so it could be rung up.  We moms are truly ingenious when we need to be. 🙂

He really wanted a cake “just like the one we had at Nick’s party in the zoo”.  That party was several years ago, but Noah still remembers it because he was so excited to get to go along.  That is why we had the unusual combination of lemon cake with chocolate smarties on top as his birthday cake.

Look at those adorable cheeks blowing out the candles!  And yes, that is one of my new serving dishes I picked up at Gmunder Keramik.  It’s perfect for cakes like this.

Happy birthday, sweet boy!  Eight is pretty great!

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