
Legoland didn’t open until 10 am, so even though our hotel was 20 minutes away, we were still able to make it there right as they let the first people in.  There were no crowds the entire day. Just how we like it.

Since the rides closed an hour before the stores, we told the kids we would do all our shopping at the end, and spend as much time enjoying the park as possible. First up were the boats you could steer yourself.

Notice all the boats backed up behind Sarah and Noah?  They didn’t know you needed to floor the gas pedal if you wanted to actually move, plus the steering was a bit trickier than it looked.  So they caused a bit of a traffic jam. 🙂

This ride was just like Dumbo at Disneyland, without the 40 minute wait!

There were a couple things that were kind of frustrating for the kids.  They wanted to drive the little cars around the track, but not only did it cost extra, it took 40 minutes!  What?  Apparently you had to attend some driving course first, and then they let you ride the cars.  Um, no, they just want to get around and drive around a little course.

So, while Alexandra went on the much simpler, hassle and cost free one, the older kids went on a tour of the Lego Factory. She loved it, even though she had to go potty pretty badly!

All I can say is that I talked Sarah and Noah into going on this next ride, and while Sarah loved it, it took a while for Noah to forgive me. It was just a two person ride, so  nice lady in the line next to us, who was also alone, offered to let Sarah ride with her.  We could hear her laughing/screaming the entire time.

There was laughing/screaming with us as well.  The laughter came from me, the screaming came from Noah. At least it gave us a chance to inspect the ceiling for spider webs and cracks. 🙂

We decided a tour of the Lego Mini World was just the thing to calm us all down.  There were so many fun little scenes to find hidden in the bigger picture. You could tell the people who built them had an absolute blast thinking of what other crazy stuff they could think of to put in there.

The boys’ favorite was the Star Wars landscapes.

Fight the evil, Nick!

Best Friends! (Mostly I included this one for his great smile. We don’t see that often, so it’s extra special. Thank you, Darth Maul!)

First she held his hands, then she gave him a dental check up!

Aw, look, a friend just her size! And how you can pass up the opportunity to feel a true Force Choke!

We really liked this ride.  While the four of us were zooming around in circles, having fun,

Sarah and Sophie were busy trying to shoot us with water, and getting splashed themselves. The weather was perfect for that sort of thing.

Alexandra wanted to ride the “teacups” next, but sadly, she was too short.  The rest of us had a blast, though.  We were spinning so fast, I kept falling over onto Sarah.  After this, Sarah and Noah wanted to go again, but Sophie and I were feeling a bit queasy. 🙂  So they rode together, and Noah kept falling over from the centrifugal force.  Every once in a while we would see his head pop up, and then it would disappear again.  So funny.

The next ride we went on was our total favorite.  Seriously the best ride I have ever been on in a theme park.  We started out nice and dry. And then it all gets going. We were shooting water at our attackers as fast as they could shoot it at us.  It was  intense! There are spots on either side of the boat where people can stand and shoot at you. And there was this one guy who was cuh-ra-zee!  He was early to mid-thirties, and was cranking the water gun in supersonic speed.  We couldn’t believe his arm didn’t fall off.  At one point all we could do was close our eyes, duck down as best we could, and fire back. There he is on the left, with his shirt off.  But after that is over with you can also shoot people as they are walking to get on the ride.  Excellent!  And they have no way to get you back. bwahahahaa! It looks like we fell in, doesn’t it?  Interactive rides like that are the best.  Buzz Lightyear comes a close second, but I just love stuff with water, especially when it’s warm out, so this one wins in my book.

This ride is why I remembered to pack extra dry clothes the next time we went to Legoland, and why we all wore Crocs so our feet could dry off easier.

It’s nice to work out sibling aggression in such a harmless way, don’t you think?

Since the park was so empty, there were often no kids waiting in line to get on when our kids were finished with a ride.  So the operator would just let them stay on for another round.  Like this one, where they got to ride three times in a row!

I talked Nick into going on this medium roller coaster with me.  I had already done it once that day, and it wasn’t so bad, so he came with me again. I love roller coasters, but Chris gets so motion sick I can’t go with him.   And we looked like we were having so much fun, the girls came with me for a second round. It was a great way to end the day.  Well, at least the Legoland part. 🙂  We still went grocery shopping after this and got home at about midnight.  But it was so fun we upgraded our day passes to year passes and were planning out when we could go again on the ride home.


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