Second Advent Window and a Special Guest

So, I put off blogging about this, because I was sure there were more photos on a different camera somewhere.  We have three of the things, and although I try to always use the same one, sometimes I end up just grabbing whatever I can find in the spur of the moment.  But no, Chris just checked today and there are no photos. 🙁

Just use your imagination, I guess.

On Wednesday morning, early, I drove to the airport to pick up Celina.She had emailed us a couple days before hand, wanting to know if it would be alright if she came for Christmas.  Um, yeah!  We always love family for Christmas!  And we didn’t really get to see her when we were in the States this summer, so the kids were especially excited about her visit.  I did feel a bit bad, as it was quite cold and snowy as I drove to pick her up, and having just come straight from southern India, that was going to be quite a shock!  Fortunately, I had thought ahead and brought my biggest, heaviest coat for to put on before we went outside! 🙂

Celina is always a very easy houseguest.  She did most of the kids’ jobs, which they loved, and was so grateful for the simplest things, like strong pressure and lots of hot water in the shower.  We also tried to feed her meat at every single meal, to build up her protein supply again.  Mostly she caught up on sleep and took walks through our beautiful forests.  A true vacation, which she has totally earned.

Anyway, one of the activities we did while she was here, was attend the opening of the Advent window at our neighbor’s house.  Lente had asked me several weeks beforehand if I would bring refreshments to help supplement the treat table, and I happily agreed.   So I baked up a batch of gingerbread men and Sophie carried them down to the garage for me.  They had set up the tables in our parking garage, since it was raining and windy that night.  We had a really good turn out, almost all the neighbors from Müliberg, including some I didn’t recognize in all their winter gear!

Lente had also invited several of her South African friends, and they sang a couple of traditional Christmas carols in Afrikaans.  Nicholas thought that was really neat, because he has been very curious to hear how it sounds, and what the differences are between Dutch and German.  That boy has always loved foreign languages.

We stayed for quite a while chatting and the kids were having fun playing with their friends.  And it inspired me to sign up to do my own window next year.  I think the kids are old enough to help now, and if I start planning now, I should be organized enough to get it done. haha!



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