CFR-Day 3

So I went to bed at 4:30 in the morning.  And after a refreshing, but short nap, I got up at 7 to hike the Y with Chris, Nick and John.  Despite the lack of sleep, this hike was much more fun and successful than our first try.  First, it was cool and we were in the shade the entire time.  Second, we had plenty of water.  And third, we left the small children at home!  We made it all the way to the top in less time than it took us to make it halfway last time.

He was so happy to have finally made it to the official top.  And then he did something very brave.  He battled his extreme fear of heights, got close to the edge, and touched the actual Y.

Chris took this shot, I think it’s pretty cool.And those people sitting in the middle are cuh-razy!  I’m with Nick on this one.

And they don’t call it Happy Valley without reason.  Two temples within sight of each other in a valley you can drive across in about 20 minutes.

We weren’t alone up there.  Several families had the same idea.

I am so glad I came along. Weird pic, caught me in a blink, but it was the best we had. 🙂  I promise I wasn’t THAT sleepy. haha

After Nick touched the Y, he spent the rest of the time over here, as far from the edge as possible.  But we coaxed him over at the end for a group picture.

Going down was much faster, although sometimes a little too fast.  There were spots of loose gravel and if you didn’t watch your step, your feet would slip right out from underneath you.  But at least it wasn’t straight up the way they used to get up to the Y.

We went back home, showered and got dressed in church clothes.  We were invited to attend Ben’s baptism that morning. But this little guy showed up and stole all the attention for a few minutes. Easy to see why.

Oma wanted some more family photos, but slightly less formal, so we headed around to the back of the church, where there was a nice shady spot. Cousins are just so special!

I think we got a couple silly ones.

And a couple good ones.

We had gotten there early enough that the cousins could practice their musical number. The baptism was very nice.  There were so many people to see the kids get baptized, that they broke us up into two different groups to go into the baptismal room.  It was fun to attend a stake run baptism again.  The ones in Switzerland are always just one kid at a time, which is also nice.  But sometimes not having to be in charge of everything could be a welcome change. 🙂

What a great family.

After the baptism we were all invited over to their house for a light lunch.  Cristie has lots of family that live in the area, so of course they were there as well.  It was a very nice gathering and the kids were happy to stay for as long as we let them.

Eventually we went home and later everyone came to our place to watch the new Joseph Smith movie from Christian Vuissa.  Our kids had seen it several times already, so they mostly just wanted to play with their cousins, and some of the adults just chatted with each other.  But it was a nice evening.

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