3 Week Countdown

Exactly three weeks from today, we will be boarding a plane heading for Utah.  When I take a moment to truly absorb that thought, I literally get shaky with excitement.  Like right now, my fingers are having trouble typing and I have that maybe-I-am-gonna-throw-up feeling in my stomach.  I haven’t seen my brothers for 4, FOUR, FOUR years!!!  Plus there are several aunts, uncles and cousins, there.  Two really good friends are traveling from the west coast to see me, I have mission companions in the area I am hoping to see again.  In short, this vacation is going to be packed with awesomeness!

And I am so anxious to just get there already, that I literally feel like I am climbing the walls.  Also, if I let myself think too hard, I get very emotional.  I miss my family SO much!  There have been four new Laskos born since I saw them last.  Well, technically 3, the fourth is due on July 1st.  That’s a lot to miss out on.  And even though I love living here in Switzerland, and know it is the best for my immediate family, it is really hard to be so far away.  There are days I could literally just scream in frustration that I am not there: rage, stomp my feet, throw things in a big old temper tantrum at the unfairness of it all.

So to keep from going crazy waiting until our flight leaves, I have done what any sane person would do; packed my schedule so full I don’t have much time to think about what’s going to happen in the future.  I am too busy trying to concentrate on what needs to get finished now.  Think I am exaggerating?  Here is a list of all the activities I have to prepare for and attend in the next 3 weeks.  Remember, this is not including the regular stuff like music lessons, sports lessons, laundry, dishes, packing for said trip and sleep. 🙂

Two birthday breakfasts

Two music concerts

Two school plays, one of each I am the helper for, so I also need to attend the practices

Two school sleepovers

Two birthday parties for the children to attend

Two birthday parties for the children I need to throw

One Kindergarten graduation dinner/party

One Holiday barbecue (go USA)

One Primary activity for all the kids

One overnight school trip to take Nick to

One Relief Society lesson to teach

I think that should keep me from asking “Is it time to go yet?” very often in the next 21 days. 🙂


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