Raindrops keep falling on my head

Thursday afternoon it finally rained, after quite a few weeks of warm, dry weather.  It had been feeling kind of muggy and gross the day before.  And that morning was really uncomfortable.  So we weren’t sad to see the rain at all.  It washed away lots of pollen and used up all that nasty humidity in the air.  The exciting thing for the kids was how hard it was raining.  It came down fast and furious and loud!  There was even thunder and a bit of lightning!  Perfect conditions for a little outdoor fun.

The kids ran to get their raincoats and umbrellas and were outside before I was barely aware they were leaving.  We could hear a lot of shrieking, and opened up the windows to make sure no one was hurt.  No, they were screams of joy!They were all so happy out there, they just couldn’t contain it any more!

Alexandra wanted to look up at Papa taking her picture, but the rain kept falling in her eyes!

It had only been raining for a few minutes, but it was coming down so hard, that there were already excellent puddles for jumping in. They were having so much fun that the two other kids in the building came outside to join them.  They all spent a happy 30 minutes or so, splashing and running around.  It was like swimming with your clothes on!

They finally came back in, completely soaked to the skin.  We had them take off their clothes outside the front door, wrapped them in a towel, and then sent them to get new clothes on.  Alexandra ended up going through two sets of clothes before I told her that was enough.  The rain had stopped by then, and it was time to get warm and have some dinner.  So glad they had such fun, though.


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One Response to Raindrops keep falling on my head

  1. Colleen says:

    What a beautiful little courtyard you have! I love it, that looks like so much fun!

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