Easter Sunday

Easter morning we went to church as usual.  The missionaries came over for a late lunch/early dinner at 3 pm.  We took no pictures of the actual meal, but Chris did document the preparation stages.

Making my mom’s famous rolls.  I learned a new trick, sort of by accident, this year.  You know how I made the Bunny Bun dough the night before?  Well, I did something similar with the rolls.  I did the dough the night before, but rather than let it rise once first, I just stuck it in the fridge immediately.  (It was late, I wanted to get to bed.)  When we got home from church, I was so busy, I didn’t have time to take it out to let it reach room temperature before I tried to roll it out.  It was a bit thick, but did eventually work.  I then let them rise for 30 minutes and popped them in the oven.  They were the.best.rolls.ever!!!!  I am so doing that from now on.  In fact, I told the delighted family that since they would now take so much less time, we could have them at least once a month for Sunday dinner.  Best mistake I ever made.

I bought what I thought was a raw ham in Germany.  But then I worried it wouldn’t be enough meat, and picked up a regular ham here in Switzerland when they came on sale.  Good thing, because what I actually bought was a pork roast!  (We really, really don’t eat much meat around here.)  But I cooked it in the crockpot with a honey lime marinade, and it was delicious.

The ham was nice and crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside.  There was not enough for ham fried rice the next day.  Glad I bought the pork roast, as well. 🙂

A sweet little vampire boy waiting for lunch to finally be ready.

And that was our Easter.  We were so full from the meal, that I saved the bunny cakes for Monday.  When the kids asked what was for dinner I laughed and pointed to the fridge.  I was done for the day.  It was a very lovely weekend, and I think we had a good combination of spiritual and fun celebrations.  Happy Easter everyone!

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