Easter Egg Hunt with Friends

Wednesday afternoon we went to the big park in Bonstetten for an Easter Egg hunt with friends.  We have done this for several years now, and the kids always have lots of fun.  And of course, come home with lots of goodies. 🙂  This year, I had to leave just as the hunt started to drive Nick and his friend to their final Gymi Prep course in Affoltern.  So I hurried and hid the candy I had brought, then handed my camera off to a responsible teenager and asked him to take lots of photos, then ran to pick up Nick.  Lucas did a great job.  Thank you!

They let the little kids go first, as usual, and then the older kids.  It was quite a crowd, which always makes it more fun, I think.  And my two favorite-kids-who-aren’t-my-own were there as well.Aren’t they just so precious?  In fact, that is the little girl’s name. 🙂  My kids always love when their moms sit by us in church, so we get to play with them and touch those sweet, soft little hands.

It was a good feeling to know that I could leave my kids there, and they would be just fine.  They are good at looking out for one another, and also the other moms are good at keeping an eye on “extras” as well.  I was greeted by nothing but smiles when I get back.

This is my friend’s boy, Abrahm.  He looks totally cute, but I can see this coming back to haunt her when he’s a teenager. 🙂

And here is most of the gang with all their loot.  Good thing there were so many kids, the chocolate was melting pretty quickly in the sun!

After the hunt, they all got to play some games, including an egg relay.And there was also an egg toss.  I came in time to play along.Alexandra was a little sad, because none of the bigger kids wanted to play with her.  But then Tania took pity on her, and she was super excited.Thank you everyone who helped my children have such a great afternoon!  It was also our friend, Julie’s birthday.  So there was singing and cake for the adults.A great kickoff to the Easter festivities!

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