Sick Sunday

The Sunday before Valentine’s day, Noah and Alexandra were still sick, and had now been joined by Sophie.  But Chris had to conduct, and I had a class to give, so we asked Nick to stay home and babysit them.  Chris called home halfway through to check on them, only to discover that Nicholas was now not feeling so great, either.  This is the sight that greeted us when we got home. So pitiful!  I am taking Sophie’s temperature to see if it is high enough to warrant some medicine.  We pretty much spent the rest of the day like that, lying around not feeling so great.A little extra attention from Mama when you are sick almost makes it worth it…

Sarah was still feeling pretty good at this point, so she kindly entertained Alexandra for us.

I got an email from one of the church ladies, saying that she was going to skip the Valentine’s brunch the next day due to my sick kids.  I realized that canceling the whole thing was actually the very thing I felt like doing.  I was just so tired from taking care of these sick kids, and would feel terrible if any of my friends got sick as well.  So we put it to a vote and moved it to another ladies house.  It ended up being the very best decision, since we ALL had fevers by Valentine’s Day.  So I was probably already sick on Sunday, and just didn’t know it yet.  We literally did nothing but lay on the couch and drink tea and juice, watching movies and sleeping,  Quite the “hot” holiday, huh? 🙂

And we all stayed sick for the next week.  I finally sent the kids to school on Friday, since it was the last day before ski vacation, and the school was passing out their grades.  In fact, it’s now another two weeks later, and I am still coughing up nasty stuff from my lungs.  CUH-RAZEE!!!!

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