Kinsky Winter Cafe

The kids in Noah’s class had so much fun doing the Dwarf Cafe last year, that they begged their teachers to let them do it again!  And since he has two of the nicest teachers around, they said yes!  They worked for weeks getting everything ready.  When he first started telling me all they had done that day for the cafe, I thought it was a bit early.  I mean, it was just after Christmas vacation and they were working on stuff for the middle of February?  Well, then it was finally time to attend this thing, and I could totally see why they needed such a big head start.

This was what greeted me Monday morning as I walked up to the door.A posted menu, and a very cute boy eagerly awaiting my arrival.  Actually, now that I think about it.  These pictures are from Wednesday.  I went twice and only brought my camera once. 🙂

Look at the beautiful decorations the kids had made.  Noah made the blue one to the far right.  You can’t see it very well in the photo, but the centers were also covered with glitter.  Very pretty in the sunshine.

Every good waiter always has the proper uniform on. Even if he sometimes needs a little help.  And look at this fabulous buffet of treats!Everything was baked fresh each morning by the children.  On Monday there were little sweet rolls, and this day there were chocolate chip muffins, and brownies.  I didn’t try a muffin, but the brownies were delicious!

They also painted place mats in beautiful winter colors which were then laminated for stability.  The kids got to bring these home afterwards.

To wash down all the delicious baked goods, each parent was given a choice of hot drinks.  I had peppermint tea and orange punch.  Don’t you just love the handwriting?

Here he is in his full, official get up.  They also made the serving trays themselves.  Well, the teacher had the logs sawed by a local lumberjack, then the children pounded in the nails, and wove the string.  And the snowflake hat is just so cute!  Noah was an excellent waiter, bringing me everything I needed, never spilling anything, and making me feel like a very honored guest.Noah also painted the mug I drank out of.  Doesn’t that look so fancy?  Every order also received two chocolate hearts; one for the parent, one for the waiter. 🙂  At least, that is what I was told….

Just as I was about to go, the teacher announced there would be live entertainment!  So of course, I had to stay!  They sang some really cute winter songs.  And the kids who didn’t have parents there that day, got to ride on the sled. 🙂  We were both so glad I went twice early in the week.  Wednesday afternoon Noah came down with a fever and didn’t get to go back to school til the next Tuesday!  And by then, Winter Cafe was over.

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