So long, Vacation!

The wonderful, peaceful idyll known as Christmas vacation came to a screeching halt Sunday evening.  Backpacks that had been chucked into the dark recesses of the bedroom had to be found, emptied of trash and used Tupperware, and repacked for school the next day.  Washed gym clothes had to be retrieved out of dresser drawers and put back into their respective bags, along with the gym shoes, preferably both of them!  Clothes laid out, ready to be slipped on through the Monday Morning Haze our children all suffer from.  The fact that it was a Monday Morning after Vacation makes it a double whammy.

And then of course, Mama goes back to her second job as a professional taxi driver.  Although, I don’t really mind it so much, I just feel bad for the younger kids who end up spending a lot of time hanging out in the van.  I tend to let them stay home with an older sibling as much as possible, just to avoid the tragedy of a wasted childhood spent looking out the window of an automobile. 🙁

For documentary purposes, here is the schedule we are currently on;

Mondays: Nick, allergy shots at 4:30, have to wait in the office for 20 minutes afterwards in case of a reaction.  Sophie, recorder lessons at 5:10-5:50.  I drove home in between to drop everyone else off, since they have already been hanging out at the Dr.’s for a while.

Tuesdays: Take Nick to school at 2:30, Pick up Sophie and neighbor boy at 3:20.  Fortunately these are both only every week, on opposite weeks.  On the day I pick up Sophie, I make Nick take the earlier bus to school and work on homework there.

Wednesdays: Pick Nick up at 1 from piano lessons.  Noah has swimming at 5:30 to 6.

Thursdays: Take Sophie to Theater class at school at 4:30, pick up Sarah at the same time from Homework Help hour. Get her home to change, then pick up another girl and take them both to ballet at 5.  Go back to school to pick up Sophie at 6. Race home, get dinner on the table so that Nick and I can leave at 6:30 to get him to Young men’s at 7 in Zurich.

Fridays: Sarah has violin at 2:30-3:00.

Saturdays: Nick has Gymi Prep class from 10:15 to 11:45. Another mother and I switch off driving them each week, they take the bus home.

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