A whole new world

Thursday morning Sarah and I went to the eye doctor.  Alexandra stayed home with Chris, which is sooo nice!  I love that he is able to work from home so often.  Seriously LOVE it!  But back to the original story.

We were referred to this optician by our pediatrician, and they were able to get us an appointment rather quickly.  Her office is pretty close to where we live, and both of us felt very comfortable there.  I told Chris when we got home that he definitely needed to go have his eyes checked out by her.  He normally just lets the eyeglass store in the mall do his yearly exam, and his contacts are really giving him headaches.  Not good.

Anyway, Sarah had to get her eyes dilated, which stings just a bit, and definitely feels weird.  Fortunately, her pupils opened up really quickly and easily.  The doctor said lighter colored eyes usually do that.  There was a little girl, maybe 4?, who apparently had already been waiting 30 minutes for her eyes to open, and the doctor ended up having to give her a second dose of drops, before anything started to happen. 🙁  So this is why we were so glad it went so quickly for Sarah.

I wish I had brought my video camera to record her reaction when the doctor first put a corrective lens in front of her eyes.  It went something like this..”WOW!  Look at all that stuff!”  yelled out in sheer amazement and disbelief.  She had no idea how much she had not been seeing.  Well, of course, now she had a taste and she wanted more.  As soon as we had the prescription for her glasses in our hands, she was all excited to go straight to the store and pick out frames.  The problem was that most of the family was excited about the prospect of her getting glasses as she was and they all wanted to come with her.

So we compromised, and waited until that afternoon when we took Noah, Alexandra and Sophie with us to “just look and see what they have”.  We immediately decided that round frames were not right with her face shape, but oval/rectangle ones looked awesome.  We finally narrowed it down to three different styles/colors that she really liked, that looked cute on her.  Then we went home to let her sleep on it.

On Saturday we went back with Papa as well, to make the final decision.  She tried them all on one more time, and then made her choice.  But they wouldn’t be ready to take home until Tuesday, so she would have to wait just a few days more.  Oh the agony!  🙂  To be fair, you will have to wait a bit longer as well, to see what they look like. haha

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