Pumpkin Farms & Playgrounds

We very kindly let our visitors hang out and relax the very first day they arrived.  But by the second day, they were ready to do a bit of sightseeing.  After lunch, we headed out to show them life in Switzerland, Charles-style.  First, we dropped Sarah off at violin lessons, and then went to the local library around the corner to wait for her.  We have been coming to this library pretty much every week for almost ten years!  My friend Julie first showed me where it was, soon after we moved here, and we have been loyal patrons ever since.

When Sarah’s lessons were finished, she walked over to the library to join us.  We checked out a few games, some movies, and of course, lots of books. Then we piled back into the car, and headed over to our local pumpkin farm.  We found this place thanks to my friend, Jana, after we had lived here a few years.  And now it’s the only place we come for our Halloween pumpkins.  It’s not a super fancy, commercial place.  Just a family run farm that sells lots of different pumpkins and squashes, and the best apple cider we have ever tasted.  Sadly, on the day we went, they were sold out! 🙁

They have a pumpkin festival every year, but there always seems to be 3 other things going on that same weekend, so we have never made it.  They set up a hay maze, I know, and I am not sure what else.  One year, though, we will attend.  I am sure my kids would love it, just based on how much they love this place in it’s simplicity already.  When we came, the decorations from the festival were still up, and looked really pretty.   There were pumpkins lining the entire roof of the barn, and tons hanging down from the ceiling inside.  So pretty.

We went inside the other barn and said hello to the calves. Their noses are so soft!  But the tongues are a bit rough.   It stunk really bad in there, although some would say it’s just good clean cow manure.  But we toughed it out for a few minutes, just to be with the babies longer.  When everyone had found the pumpkin they wanted, we paid for them and headed over to the school playground to enjoy some more of the gorgeous weather.

The kids love this little playhouse in the kindergarten playground.  Peek a boo!  And there was a perfect pile of leaves just waiting to be tossed high into the air.  We must have been there a good hour, at least.  But then it was time to head home and get dinner started.  Plus, our guests were starting to feel the jetlag. 🙂  It was a good start to their visit, I think.

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