Location, location, location

With all the excitement of company, lots of outings, and special events going on, the kids have been going to bed later and later and later each night.  One night it was so late, we were almost tempted to skip scriptures all together.  But that would have set a bad precedent.  So instead, we put the girls to bed, and read in their room. 

The change in location brought a big smile to everybody’s face.  The novelty of reading scriptures in bed was almost as good as breakfast in bed!  But there is a downside of too many distractions!  So we won’t be turning it into a regular thing any time soon. Still, it was fun for one night and made everyone’s sleep-deprived grouchiness stay at bay just long enough to have a “successful” scripture time. 🙂  (meaning no one was hurt, injured or maimed during the reading of these verses)

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