Around the house

Chris walked around one afternoon and documented the random, boring, minutia of our daily lives.  This post will be absolutely, completely mind-numbingly dull to all but my most loyal blog readers.  In other words, if you don’t answer to the name Grandma or Oma, feel free to skip this post entirely and check back tomorrow for something a tad more interesting. 🙂

Alexandra has taken a shine to playing on the computer.  I type in the web address of her choice, and she will confidently and easily navigate her way around the page, clicking on all her favorite games and videos.  She especially enjoys a certain online preschool, where the lady sings childrens songs AND does all the actions.

Sophie loves to help me cook, or just hang out with me chatting while I do the cooking.  If there are any vegetables to be cut, she loves to grab a cutting board and knife and lend a hand.  I really wish I had an open kitchen with an island in the center to make it even easier for the kids to practice their cooking skills.

Sarah likes to be with me as well, but not necessarily cooking.  She will sit at the table reading, and occasionally pipe up with a comment or two of her own for whatever topic is at currently being discussed.  The problem is, because she has been reading and listening at the same time, her comments don’t always make a lot of sense. 🙂  But I like having her there anyway.

Noah is really making lots of friends in Kindergarten, and is always “abmaching” with someone.  These playdates require making and answering telephone calls with only a bit of help from Mama.  I do the dialing, he does the talking.  Then both moms get on the phone to find out who is really coming over to whose house, and what time they will need to be picked up.  He is learning lots of new skills this way, and I am super proud of him.

Where is Nicholas, you ask?  Not sure, probably upstairs on the gaming computer playing Spore or Starcraft.  But Chris was only taking pictures downstairs, so he didn’t get memorialized with the rest of us. 🙂  And there you go, a typical weekday afternoon at the Swiss Charles house.

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