Sunday Sweets!

(Yes, I totally copied that title from the funniest blog on the ‘net, Cakewrecks.)

Despite the admonition from my doctor to stay off my foot, I did go to church on Sunday.  I just propped it up on a chair the whole time, and seemed none the worse for wear.  I WAS considering staying home, but then I remembered that two sweet little girls in my Primary class had been planning a birthday celebration for me for weeks, and that this Sunday was the day.  If I hadn’t been there, they would have been absolutely crushed, and I just couldn’t do that to them.

Every time one of the kids in my class has a birthday, I always ask them what treat they would like me to make and I bring it.  Doesn’t matter what it is, if no one else likes it, if that’s what they want, that’s what they get.  Celine and Annika asked me what I wanted, and I told them I liked chocolate and peanut butter.  Any combination, or separate, was delicious. 🙂  They did not disappoint.  Celine made this totally chocolate pudding from Nigella Lawson. (If you don’t know who she is, Google her, she rocks!)  It was close-your-eyes-lean-your-head-back-and-sigh good.  She and her mother made it with the highest cocoa content chocolate they could find, and you could taste it.  So, so, so yummy!

But wait, that’s not all.  No, she also brought rocky road brownies.  I have no idea where she got the recipe from, I can only tell you that they were heaven on a plate, and so deliciously gooey they needed to be kept chilled for proper eating consistency.   I even got to take a couple home with me for later….  Annika and her mother made real American chocolate chip cookies to round out this feast of sweetness.  They were exactly how I like them; soft, puffy, and full of chocolate bits.  MMhhhhmmmm!!!!  I definitely ate too many to tell you about, but did leave some for the other kids as well. haha.

Yes, I did manage to teach the lesson, amidst all this gluttony, but I don’t think any of us were actually listening.  The memory of these girls’ service to me, however, was the far more important lesson.  Thank you so much to them and their mothers. And Happy Birthday to me! 🙂

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