My day of pampering

Saturday, July 31st, I got to visit heaven for a day.  It’s also known as Swiss Holiday Park in Morschach.  My awesome friends all pitched in to take me to the spa for a day, and I even got a massage.  Since it was during vacation time, not everyone was able to come with us, but Julie R., Iliana, Heidi and her sister, Michelle, made it a great day.  Heidi and Michelle were mostly off getting manicures and pedicures, but we did see them for a bit in the pool and at lunch, of course.  Julie and Iliana make me laugh all the time, so it was not only a relaxing day but super fun as well.  In fact, I liked it so much, I have already vowed to take my sister-in-law there when she comes in October.

They have a large swimming area, with pools both indoors and out, that is perfect for some family time.  All the water is heated (which you don’t often find in regular pools around here) and the outdoor pool even has little built in benches where you can sit and enjoy the bubbles spraying you from behind.  The view, of course, is what makes the whole thing over the top.  There you are, sitting in resplendent ease, gazing out at gorgeous snow covered peaks, forest green meadows, and a sky so blue it almost looks painted.  Apparently, in winter, the skiers come right past the pool on their way down the mountain.  So fun!  There is also a little “lazy river” we floated through, and it made such a strong current, I had trouble getting onto the seats on the side.

Inside there was a jacuzzi, which I loved because it wasn’t super hot.  I don’t do super hot.  And of course, I can’t forget the water slide.  Must have gone down that, what, 6 times?  We couldn’t get over how funny it was that all of us are shrieking, falling on our sides, and generally shooting out the end in a wild splay of legs and laughing.  Yet every time, here came Heidi, completely calm, hands placed just so on her legs, the picture of serenity as she gently glided to a stop at the end of the tube.  How did she manage it?  We’ll never know.  But it was pretty funny.

By now, it was almost time for my massage.  Since I had never been to this place before, Julie and Iliana took me to where they would be waiting for me in the roman baths.  Then I went off to my happy place. 🙂  I have had a few massages before.  From people who even knew what they were doing.  But never like this, from a true professional, with oil and the whole bit.  It.was.awesome!  At one point, I let out this kind of crazy sound, and she stopped what she was doing, worried something was wrong.  Uh know, it’s just that that big knot where I store all my stress and Chris can never seem to find when I ask him to rub my back, well, you just found it. 🙂  I wasn’t super sad when it was over, I felt like she had worked out all the tight spots, and I felt very relaxed, but also refreshed.  It was just the right length of time, I think. Plus I had gotten a glimpse of the Roman baths and knew there was more goodness to come. 🙂

So, maybe it’s like this everywhere, I don’t know. This is the only spa I have ever been to.  But they had several different areas and you followed the numbers to go in the right order.  There was a suggested time limit for your stay in each area.  And even though we eventually ended up in a super hot, super steamy sauna, which I normally hate, it wasn’t so bad, because we had worked up to that temperature slowly.  Also, there were hoses full of cold water, so we could spray down the bench we were sitting on to help combat the heat.   And in one they had some sort of peppermint scent coming out with the steam.  That made it seem not so hot, or at least easier to breathe in, for some reason.

Midway through the cycle of rooms, you could grab an apple and a glass of cool water.  They were really good apples, too.  Crisp, juicy and full of flavor.  We were at first only going to share one, and then they were so good, we each ended up eating an entire one ourselves.  So yummy.  The floating pool at the very end, with the stars and psychedelic light show on the ceiling was very relaxing.  It was our reward for being brave and going into the “frigidarium”.  You can probably guess what that means from the name.  After all those hot saunas, they wanted you to walk, of your own free will, into a ice cold pool of water.  I didn’t want to do it at first, but Julie said it felt good, made you all tingly.  And I didn’t want to short change myself out of any of the “experience” as it were, so we went in together.  Iliana stayed in the warm water and watched us.  They had steps leading down into the water, with a banister in the center.  So we just marched down the steps, into the pool and then back up the stairs.  Or at least I did.  Julie was behind me, and cheated a bit.  She never left the stairs, just swung her body around the banister to go back out again.  But once we got out, it really did feel good.  Like you were all alive and full of energy.

So, naturally, Iliana decided that since we didn’t die, she would do it to.  And even better than us. 🙂  She walked in, put her whole head completely under the water, and then came back out again.  Not to be outdone, Julie and I had to try that as well.  But then that was enough for us, and we stayed in the warm, salt water, floating for the rest of the time.  At some point, Michelle came and joined us, while Heidi was still getting her manicure.  She did not go to the “frigidarium”.  She may be the only sane one among us. haha

We got out, showered, dressed and headed over to the restaurant for lunch.  Heidi had already told Julie what to order for her, and she arrived before the food did, so it was all good.   Everything everyone ordered looked so good, and tasted even more delicious.  I had grilled prawns with an herb butter sauce, which was excellent.  The gorgeous view, of course, made every bite even better.  We were essentially on a balcony, over the outdoor pool.  Seriously, Switzerland is so amazingly beautiful.  I love it here.

After lunch, it was time to leave heaven and return to regular life.  Which is also nice, just not so relaxing. 🙂  Thank you so much to all the wonderful ladies who made this day possible.  I truly enjoyed every second of it.  You are great friends.

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