It's your day, Sarah!

So, 9 years ago I experienced the worst moment of true terror I have ever felt.  But I was thankfully spared too much of it by a kind anesthesiologist, who naturally had to inform I could choke on my own vomit just before I slipped into sweet oblivion.  When I woke up, my sweet, little wrinkly baby Sarah was here.  A perfect little miniature me.  And then it turned into one of the happiest days ever.

She has completely surpassed me in beauty, is super smart, reads everything in sight, has a great sense of humor, and can be so amazingly patient and loving with her younger siblings.  She also has an iron will, knows exactly what she wants and won’t settle for less, and can stomp through the house in a temper louder than any pack of elephants I have ever heard.  But we wouldn’t change her for the world, because then she wouldn’t be our Sarah. 🙂

She had already had her big birthday bash two weeks earlier, so this day we just concentrated on family stuff.  Her presents were waiting for her in the living room when she woke up, but she decided to save them until after lunch.  Naturally, she had her favorite chocolate cereal for breakfast.  It’s the same kind that we always get at the hotel buffet in France.  For lunch, she wanted pasta salad with colored noodles, hold the tomatoes please.  I made Kool Aid to drink, as a special treat, and look what it did to Alexandra’s tongue!

Sarah was very easy to buy presents for.

I just chose a few of my favorite books from when I was her age, and Chris ordered them for her.

She also got some new Littlest Pet Shop animals and a new outfit.

And a special card from Sophie. Our kids are so fun to buy for, as they are always genuinely pleased and grateful for everything they receive.

I hope it stays that way!

Since we had had so much birthday cake in the weeks previously, I asked her if there was something else she would like to have instead.  We decided on banana splits with homemade hot fudge and butterscotch sauce.  She needed to blow out the candles quick so they wouldn’t melt her ice cream too much. 🙂

It was a very quiet celebration, but the highlight was not having to do any chores for the day.  That makes it a special day, no matter what.  Happy Birthday, Princess Sarah!

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