
Forty years old!  I can’t believe it.  I always thought that when I got this old, I would somehow feel more mature, more knowledgeable, more, well, grown up!  And while I realize I am definitely not as clueless as I was when I was 17, I still don’t have nearly as many answers as I thought I would.  I do, however, feel much more in control of my life.  Whatever happens, I choose my actions, rather than just reacting.  Not always, but more often than not. 🙂  I also don’t worry as much what other people think about me or my actions.  If you like me, you like me.  If not, your loss. 🙂 And I am really trying to just enjoy things as they happen, savoring the small moments, you know?  That makes a big difference in general happiness and inner peace, I think.  And of course, it helps tremendously that I am living the life I always wanted to live.  Handsome husband, beautiful healthy children, don’t have to work outside the home, lots of really good friends, live in the most beautiful country in.the.world!  So yeah, I have to admit, it’s pretty easy to be me. heehee

On the actual day of my birthday, the kids made a really big deal out of it, and every one wished me a Happy Birthday several times throughout the day.  I had my most favorite cereal in the world, Peanut Butter Captain Crunch, for breakfast courtesy of Julie R.  Thank you!

The rest of the morning was spent hunting down my birthday present.  I have wanted a certain watch for quite a while, almost 3 years now.  It is only available at a certain jeweler, and is a bit pricier than I am comfortable spending on myself.   BUT…every few months we get coupons from our credit card company that can be used like cash at certain stores.  They don’t expire for several years, so we have quite a few saved up.  We used some last year on our wonderful waffle irons, that I use at least once a week!  But since we always charge our groceries, we had plenty more. heh. heh.  And this particular jeweler happens to take these coupons.  Oh happy day!  And just to set the record straight, Chris was fully willing to pay for the watch with cash, I just have a hard time with it.  So anyway, we ended up going to three different branches of this store before we found one that carried the watch.  Apparently, they don’t all have the same product.  Who knew?  But the last store had it, in stock, although not in my size.  Since the watch has no links, it comes in different sizes.  So we had to order it, and wait for them to call us.  But at least I knew it was coming.

The kids also gave or made me lots of sweet gifts.

Sarah gave me her precious candle she had gotten from one of her friends, and used a special postcard from the doll museum as my birthday card.  You know you are loved when the kids are willing to part with beloved possessions in your honor.

Sophie was so excited for my birthday, she actually made my card several months ago!  I love feeling their excitement and anticipation, hoping I will love whatever they have done for me.  And I always do. 🙂

Noah gave me this sweet little container he had made in church, filled with some of his precious candy stash.  Coming from the kid who eats candy the way some people breathe air, this was quite a sacrifice of love.

I did have to cook my own lunch, but I got to make something that I like.  Chicken orzo salad with feta cheese.  mmmhhhhmmmm!!!  No one else likes it.  Absolutely no one.  Which means that I got to also eat it for dinner that night. 🙂  Everyone else ate frozen chicken nuggets and regular salad.  Very little prep for me, no complaining from them.  As per tradition, Chris and Nicholas baked my birthday cake together that afternoon.  With all the running around for my birthday present, lunch was a bit late.  Which meant that they were a bit rushed to get the cake finished and in the oven before dinner.  You see, I chose a type of cheesecake and it had to bake for an hour, plus chill.  Well, we ended up eating it warm, and the candles melted a tad when they put them in.  Pink cheesecake!  But it was so good, and we all ate it up, extra wax included. 🙂  Check out the inferno 40 candles makes!

That night, the kids went to bed very nicely, and Chris and I watched a movie at home.  It was a great day, and I am so glad I got to spend it with the people I love most, and that love me the most in return.  Here’s to another fantastic 40 years!

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