Disneyland 2010-Day 2

This is our third trip to Disneyland Paris, but our first time going in the spring.  We were always worried that the crowds would be too much, the lines would be horribly long, and no one would end up having any fun.  So we braved the colder weather and potential rainfall in order to be able to walk on pretty much every ride, and had a great time.  We were very surprised to find that the crowds were completely nonexistent the first day, and although larger the second day, were still not a big problem.  We are so going in the spring again next time, too.  Having sunshine, rather than rain, rocks! :)  And you know what else they have in the spring that they don't have in the winter?  Water features all over the park. Fountains, waterfalls, little sprays of water randomly shooting out of bushes, it was so fun to see.

So, now almost a month later, here are some highlights from our second day in the Happiest Place on Earth.

The girls love collecting autographs and meeting all the characters.  It wasn't really done when I was younger, so it's all a new phenomenon for me.  It's so fun to see how excited they get when they spot someone new.  And notice the complete lack of people around?  Sometimes you just get extra lucky like that.  Oh yes, and wearing shorts and t-shirts instead of thick tights and winter coats is a definite bonus to the good weather. 🙂

  Waiting in line for Buzz Lightyear, a definite family favorite.  This is when a FastPass comes in handy.  Noah is practicing his shooting skills while we wait.  I rode in the car with Alexandra, and do you know, she actually shot stuff?  I believe her final score was 10,000 or so.  Chris, however ended up earning the definite high score, thanks to a tip from me.  The ride broke down three times while we were on it, or rather the cars stopped moving.  But the guns still shot, and the points still added up.  So, at one stopping point in a tunnel, I pointed out to Chris that there were targets hidden in the wall directly behind us.  We all started shooting like crazy, and he racked up a seriously high score of 300,000 something.  We didn't mind the ride stopping after that. ha!


Our only complaint about Disneyland Paris is the lack of edible food.  I mean, maybe we are setting the standard too high, but seriously, it's FRANCE, they can't truck in something tasty from the town next door? No, we are stuck with frozen chicken nuggets and french fries undoubtedly shipped across the ocean from America.  Blecch!  But the kids loved the chance to eat junk food two days in a row.  That never happens at home!  Funny little side note, as we were walking out of the restaurant later, I noticed Sarah had somehow managed to get ketchup not only all over the front of her shirt, but also on the back!  Chris figures she must have sat in it somehow.

Here we are on the Mark Twain Riverboat.  There was a family of ducks swimming alongside our boat almost the entire time.  Those little fluffy babies are so adorable!   While we floated along, we had a discussion about whether this was a "real" boat or not.  Meaning, is it just on a track or is it being steered by an actual human and is floating free in the water?  We concluded that, being Disneyland, it was most definitely on a track.  I used this logic on Chris, when he started complaining about being seasick.  The boat was not rocking at all, but he started feeling nauseous anyway.  I was able to talk  him out of is. 🙂

See, all better!  I am kind of partial to his vacation beard.  He always grows one when he doesn't have to go work for a significant amount of time, but no matter how much I beg, come Sunday morning, off it comes. 🙁

  While riding around the lake, we spotted this fun looking playground.  The younger kids and I headed over to play, and Chris and Nick went on the Haunted Mansion together. Sarah was so sweet, and did whatever Alexandra wanted to the whole time we were there. 

It always amazes me that kids who are started to complain about walking even 10 feet more, will suddenly have enough energy to attack a playground like it's the last one they will ever see in their lives.  Me, I was perfectly content to sit on a log and take pictures of them having fun.  🙂

I am so glad we always stay long enough at the Parks to do things like go to the playgrounds.  The kids really enjoy it and they would be missing out on some seriously cool playgrounds if we didn't.    There will be many years of nothing but roller coasters and not wanting to hang out with the uncool parents.  I just want to soak up and enjoy these few years where innocent pleasures are king, and Mom and Dad are THE coolest people in the universe. Somehow, spending 30 minutes at a Disneyland playground fits right in with that.

Also, riding Small World at least 3 times is part of the innocent magic of childhood.  It has always been my most favorite ride, and I am so glad my kids love it as much as I do.  I think Chris appreciates the opportunity to sit down in the cool darkness the most! They were excited to get to ride in the very front this time.  We eventually moved Alexandra up there as well.

And as we came out of the ride, I had to document something I had never seen before.  Not a single person in line at all!  And this was on the "busy" day of our trip.  I am telling you, we timed this one really well!

We walked down to
the entrance of the ride and caught most of a character parade, which would explain why no one was in line. But we got to see the parade and ride, so it's all good!  Then we headed over to Pirates again.  Not to ride, just to shop at the store and meet this guy!

It was impressive how much he acted like Jack Sparrow from the movie. The only difference was the fact that he only spoke French. ha!  The little grin on Sophie's face says it all.  She is trying to be cool and calm, but inside is super excited to be so close to him.  Baby is holding Noah's autograph book for him.  He was too nervous to meet him, but we knew he would want his autograph later.  He loves the Pirate movies.  LOVES them.  And we were right. 

It was starting to get kind of late, and after two days of constantly being on our feet, we were all ready to head home.  But first we had to finish our shopping.  We always let the kids go in any shop they want to and look around and see what's available. But we don't buy anything until the very last day, as we are leaving the park.  They change their minds every time they see something new, and this way we avoid any disappointments or wrong choices.  But it does involve a lot of walking all over the park when we are already kind of tired, as some things are only sold in certain shops.  Sarah decided to start a collection of resin princess picture holders, and they were only available at the gift shop near the entrance of Walt Disney Studios, so that is where we headed next.

Since we were so close, I decided to go and see how long the line was for Crush's Coaster.  Just to work in one last thrill ride, but the line was 30 minutes long.  I knew it would have gone faster, since we had figured out it was 20 minutes off last time, but didn't want to push the issue with a bunch of tired, fast approaching cranky people.  Instead, since we were right there, we decided to ride the Flying Carpets one last time.  Except, this time me and Noah didn't even bother getting in line.  We just watched from the fence.

It was nice to end on such a positive note for everyone else, though.  Look at those happy faces!

  Goodbye Disneyland!  We will come again soon!

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One Response to Disneyland 2010-Day 2

  1. dragon says:

    Wow…Disneyland is pretty much my number 1 pick on places of "if I could go right now" list. Glad you guys had an awesome time. They really need to make a roller coaster of that Magic Carpet ride.

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