Fine Dining, Faith in God style

So, a few months ago I was kicked out of the Relief Society Presidency, for a job not well done. haha. No, seriously, I tried but it just wasn't working out.  But it's all good since they immediately called me to be one of the leaders of the Faith in God program.  This means that not only do I get to be Nick's Primary teacher, but I also get to work with him and Sarah as they set goals and earn their Faith in God award.  Plus, I got to do this first activity with my friend, Jenna.  Sadly, it was only this one activity as she is moving back to America soon, but we lived it up as well as we could. 

The system that was put in place by the previous leaders is to look at the oldest child in the program, see what goals they are still missing, and plan activities to help them achieve those goals.  Pretty smart and a way to keep you from going crazy simply from sheer overload of choice.  That oldest kid would be my very own Nicholas! And one of the areas he needed a goal for was manners.  So we decided to have our own little Valentine's Brunch for the kids and teach them the art of fine dining along the way.

I don't know who had more fun, the kids or Jenna and I as we planned it.  We set the table with fancy tablecloths and used the china from the church kitchen.  She borrowed those gorgeous glass hearts from Jeana and decorated the table with them, along with pink candles in wine glasses.  We had a full on 5 course meal, just with smaller portions. I made bread in a heart shape and sliced that up to serve with the salad and tomato soup.  Good thing, too, because there were a couple kids who wanted nothing to do with either, although they were extremely polite about it, and just ate the bread.   There were also appetizers to munch on that Jenna served to the kids on a gorgeous tray.  We were both excellent waitresses, if I do say so myself!

The main course was red baby potatoes with a garlic/dill dressing.  So Yummy!  There were a ton left over, as I seriously overestimated the amount of children that would be coming and how much they would eat of them.  The missionaries were working in the Bishop's office, and so we gave it to them for their lunch, along with the leftover heart-shaped brownies for dessert.  Jenna had some whipped cream and fresh strawberries to top them with.  No one had a problem eating that. 🙂

I am hoping that Jenna will let me borrow some of the pictures she took, as my camera was not available that day.  (Yes, I forgot it at home.)  The kids all looked so cute in their red and pink clothing that we asked them to wear.  What a great bunch of kids, and I am excited for many more great activities in the future.

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