Hairy Decisions

So, I have had long hair for most of my adult life.  I cut it off to go on my mission, I cut it again after Nick was born, and kept it about shoulder length until we moved to Switzerland, where I just let it grow and grow and grow.  I cut it again after about 3 years, and since then I just go in for the occasional trim.  Chris prefers it long, and it is easier to just ignore my hair than try to have a "style".  But for the past several months, my hair had really begun to bother me.  It was always getting in the way, ending up in my face all the time, and was starting to make regular appearances in our food. Gag!  Plus, it was just not looking healthy and nice anymore.  I had been hemming and hawing about what kind of cut I should get; longer layers, straight across, or something radically different.  Yeah, I went with radically different.  About two weeks ago, I walked into my bathroom, grabbed the hair cutting scissors and just started hacking away at my hair. 

In my head, I knew I could just go to my friend Megan, who cuts hair really well, and lives in the next town over.  But that would require calling her and finding a time in the future that would be suitable for both of us.  I wanted my hair Gone.Now!  Yeah, I get like that sometimes. shrugs shoulders   I didn't cut it too short, but it is definitely shorter than it was before.  And of course, when I was finished, it looked absolutely horrible.  I can cut my boys' hair just fine, but I don't even attempt to trim the girls' hair because I can't cut a straight line.  What made me think I could it to my own hair, I don't know.  There was a definite difference in length from one side to the other, with these strange straggly long wisps hanging down all over the place. 

I tried to cut off as many of the wisps as I could, but every time I touched my hair, I would discover more.  I had seriously done a number on my hair.  I even tried putting it up in a pony tail to disguise the damage I had done, but that made it look even worse!  It showed off all the unevenness more glaringly than when it was just hanging down.  Fortunately, I didn't have to go out in public too much.  Just take the girls to swim class and attend homemaking.  But fortunately? there was so much snow on the ground that night, Chris couldn't get home in time for me to go to church.  So I was spared the humiliation of every one seeing what I had done to myself.  Also missed out on a lot of fun, but it couldn't be helped.

Megan came to my rescue, quickly offering to recut my hair on Thursday.  We went over there and she did a fantastic job fixing the damage I had done.  I really like the length, and am loving how fast it is to wash and brush now.  Of course, there are a few casualties.  Sarah and Sophie were crushed that I didn't have long hair like they do anymore, and were scared that I was going to grab the scissors and hack off their hair as well.  I assured them that I was only sick of my long hair, I liked playing with theirs. :)  Wednesday night, Sarah, Chris and I were in the kitchen cleaning up from dinner.  Sarah turned to Chris and said, "Mama doesn't look like Mama anymore.  I miss her long hair."  Chris replied, "I know.  Mama didn't think about us when she cut off her hair."  Then gave me a side-long glance and a little smirk.  I just laughed it off and told them they were both being silly.  And if past experience is anything to go by, my hair will be long again soon enough.

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