Fourth of July- Swiss style

Since there are so many Americans living in the area now, we celebrated the Fourth with a group barbecue at a nearby park.  Sadly, there are no pictures, which makes me want to kick myself.  I dressed us all up in red, white and blue, and we looked really good!  The girls and I even had Fourth of July ribbons in our ponytails!  Oh well. 

As is usual for these types of gatherings, there was tons of excellent food, good conversation, and lots of play time for the kids.  They even had a Faith in God activity as part of the festivities, since most of the kids who participate anyway, were at the park for the barbecue.  The activity?  Playing baseball, of course!  There were only a couple of mitts between all the kids, so they didn't play exactly according to the rules.  There was one kid who pitched, and two kids plus a couple adults who were in the outfield.  All the other children stood in a line and took turns going up to bat.  The bases were not very far apart, due to part of the field being a construction zone :(, but the kids still had a lot of fun.  It was a good first exposure for most of the kids to a fun American sport. 

After the food had all been consumed, and the baseball game had come to an end, we gathered up all our stuff and headed over to the swimming pool in nearby Birmensdorf.  Several other families also went, so the kids just continued on playing together, only this time in the water.  The weather was perfect, and it was so nice and relaxing by the pool, I didn't want to leave!  Chris joined us for the food part of the festivities, and then left to go home, because that was all the socializing he can handle. :)  Then he came back, we dropped Nick and him off at home, and the rest of us went swimming.  We left the pool kind of late, but again, it was just so nice I didn't want it to end.  We didn't have any fireworks, but we can make that up on Switzerland's Birthday, 1. August.

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