Slumber Party!

Friday night Nicholas went to his best friend's birthday party.  It was a slumber party, so he would be gone all night.  I decided to take advantage of this and invited the girls' friends Lexi and Mia over for their own slumber party.  They didn't actually spend the night, but the girls got to stay up until 10:30!  That was quite the exciting prospect and we had tons of fun with our friends. 

First we had dinner, which wasn't such a hit.  I made Birchermuesli , which is oats, spelt and whatever dried fruit, fresh fruit, and nuts you feel like adding in soaked in milk and yogurt.  It sounds kind of weird, I know, but it is really good.  I even made whipped cream to go on top as an extra treat.  My kids ate it up, I guess they are used to it.  But our little friends took two bites and announced they were both "full".  Sorry guys, should have made something you were used to eating.  But don't worry, no one starved, because there was popcorn for during the movie.

Then I opened up my nail salon and gave them all manicures and pedicures.  I squirted some of my Satin Hands Scrub on each of their hands and told them to rub it together.  It's this awesome stuff made with Almonds and Apricots that sloughs off all the dry patches on your hands and makes them smell really good.  You should have seen the girls faces when they first felt it on their fingers.  It was like they were touching the most disgusting thing on the planet.  I was laughing hysterically.  I made them endure it for about 20 seconds, and then let them go wash it off in the bathroom.  Who knew something grownups consider pampering would be viewed as torture by children?  They were allowed to pick out any color or combination of colors that they wanted from my considerably large supply of nail polish.  I always buy it since I am so attracted to the pretty, shiny colors.  But I never wear the stuff.  No time to apply it.  It was so cute how individual each of them were about what colors of nail polish they chose, if they wanted their toes and fingers done or not, and then they were oh so careful to not touch ANYTHING while it dried.

While the mani/pedi's were taking place, they watched Barbie and the Diamond Castle.  At first, they didn't want to let Noah watch with them, since he was a BOY, ew!  but eventually they relented and they all had a great time.  When the movie was over, everyone was starting to get pretty tired.  We sent Noah to bed, but let the girls play quietly in their room.  Lexi and Mia had brought their favorite Littlest Pet Shop animals, so Sarah and Sophie got out theirs as well and they had quite a lot of fun playing until their parents came to take them home.  It was a totally fun evening, even if my girls were a tad tired and crabby the next day.  I like getting in touch with my inner princess like that. 🙂


Thanks for coming to play, Lexi and Mia! 

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One Response to Slumber Party!

  1. Colleen says:

    Amy, you are such a good mom! I don't think I'd have the stamina to do all that. I spend all day waiting for the kids' bedtime so that I can relax. I'm not very good at entertaining friends, either. I will have to keep watching and learning from you!

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