Boo! Boo! Boo!

There was still snow on the ground Halloween day, which made me less than thrilled about getting everyone dressed in their costumes, dressed for the cold weather, and then loaded up in the car to drive into town for trick-or-treating.  I cleverly convinced them that we would have so much more fun if we just stayed at home and had our own Halloween party here. I would have more time to make fun treats, if I didn't have to help them all get dressed.  Some weren't totally convinced, but they half-heartedly agreed that they really did have enough candy from the carnival the week before, and didn't really need to go out again begging for more.

For lunch, I made intestines with brain sauce, and for a vegetable we had witch's knuckles.  Sophie would scream every time we called the spaghetti by it's Halloween name, so of course, we said it over and over.  It just added to the scary atmosphere. :) 

When Nicholas got home from afternoon school, he gathered all his supplies for our traditional Halloween story.  Sophie helped me make the dirt pudding and the Halloween shaped Jello-jigglers for dessert.  In years past, we have always had "Bloody Fingers" for dinner, but this year, we added "Mummy Toes" for fun.  When Chris got home we ate dinner, then we turned off all the lights and listened to our story.  I did the reading, while Nicholas made all the sound effects.  It was a fun, quiet Halloween.  I did feel bad about the no trick-or-treating later.  If I had had someone else to go with, that was counting on me coming, it probably would have been just the extra push I needed, but since I was by myself, I just couldn't do it this year.  Sorry guys.

Oh yes, and later that night, Nicholas attended his first ever sleep-over party.  I took him over about 7:30, and there were several boys from school all crammed into one tiny little bedroom for the party. I told Nicholas to call me the next morning, when he was ready to go home, and the mother of the boy throwing the party informed me that they had quite a full itinerary planned and that the party would not be over until 6:00 PM!  Um, yeah, I just repeated to Nicholas that he could call me when he was ready to go home and I would come get him. 

We went to check on him the next morning on our way out to do errands and it's a good thing we did.  He had thrown up four times that morning!  She said she was "just getting ready to call me."  Whatever, lady, why you didn't call the first time he threw up is beyond me.  It's certainly what I would have done.  So all the other kids are out sledding down the hill, and Nick is lying in bed feeling miserable.  We took him home, and he slept most of the day, then felt fine after that.  He never had a fever, so we aren't too sure what was going on.  Probably a combination of too much junk food the night before, and not enough sleep due to the squashed accomadations, and some kid hitting him in the stomach for part of the night.  I wouldn't call the first sleep over a success, but at least no one else got throw up on them!

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