Awesome video

Let me, first off, make the disclaimer that this should not be taken as a personal attack on any of my family members or friend who may disagree with my opinion.  Everyone has very personal reasons for choosing to vote the way they do.  But for me, personally, this video really struck a chord.  Even though I don't live in America, I am still an American who loves her country and wishes it could achieve it's full potential as a nation.  The thought I had running through my mind while I watched this was the story in the Book of Mormon about the Kingmen and the Freemen.  Everyone who wanted to keep their freedoms and their way of live and preserve their right to worship God needed to stand up, be accounted for, and fight alongside each other against those who would destroy their government from the inside out. 

Do I think Democrats represent evil and Republicans good?  Most emphatically, NO!  Certain laws, however, have the potential, or already have begun, to tear away the moral fiber of this nation.  And that makes me very sad, and very scared for the future.  Anyway, I thought this was awesome and wanted to share.

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3 Responses to Awesome video

  1. Sun says:

    Amy- I love you and I'm not offended by your post at all.I think the mistake that many people make is thinking that because a person is pro-choice means that they are pro-abortion. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is an issue that hits really close to home. It's been suggested to my face that allowing Riley to be born was unethical and that the best thing I could have done for him and for society would have been to abort him. That anyone would even consider aborting a baby makes me sick but I definitely believe that women should have the right to choose when and how to have a baby. Making abortion illegal won't solve the problem. Women will still have abortions but instead of having it done safely they'll go to a shady doctor with a dirty scalpel in some back alley. Is that what they deserve?The Republican Party consistently tries to take away women's rights and I'm not just talking about abortion. I'm talking about abstinence only education, the fact that that insurance companies don't have to cover birth control but they cover Viagra, and cuts to social programs like Medicaid and WIC. I just can't support a party that doesn't want women to know about or have easy access to birthcontrol then forces her to keep an unwanted pregnancy and then if she chooses to raise the baby makes it incredibly difficult for her to pull herself and her children out of poverty. Is that freedom? Instead of making abortion illegal why don't we make it easier for women to prevent unwanted pregnancies before they happen?There are alot of things that I think are immoral but that doesn't mean they should be illegal. Freedom (or agency) is a very precious thing and forcing people to make the correct moral decisions doesn't really sound like God's plan to me. If we, as Americans, want to strenghten our families and the moral fabric of our nations then we, as parents, need to step up and do it in our homes. It's not our governments job to legislate morality. It's our job to teach our children.

  2. AmyJ says:

    Thanks for not taking that personal, SunDee, I sure didn't mean it that way. I also didn't really mean it to be a shout out to the Republican party. More as a call to arms, so to speak for all of us. There are important issues out there and we need to be loud and be heard, whatever your opinion is. Plus I loved the "Life, Faith, Family" slogan. Like I said, it totally reminded me of Moroni's Title of Liberty. As a side note, I totally agree that women should have the right to choose. I just think their right to choose is when they decide to have sex that could result in a baby when they aren't ready/willing to take care of that baby. And they can do whatever they want to their body, but they shouldn't really mess with someone else's, including the babies. There are always exceptions to that rule, but none of them include the need for partial-birth abortions, which I find totally disgusting, unnecessary cruel and just such a waste. That was the law I was actually thinking of when I posted this video, that and the law to define marriage. Regular first trimester abortions, while still murder in my eyes, I don't really see ever being made illegal and I don't really think they need to be. But I am also glad they were still hard to get when I was born in 1970, otherwise who knows where I would have ended up being born. I kind of am partial to this family, you know? 🙂 I also agree, wholeheartedly, that is our job to teach morality to our children. But when our laws reflect our immorality, then it's time to take a step back and reexamine our beliefs. That was my main point. I think too many of us just can't be bothered, or think, "Well, that's their problem." but some problems will become ours if we aren't careful. Again, I can't really say I am a Republican or a Democrat. I take each issue as it comes and vote with my conscience. I think that is what every one should do, regardless of party line.

  3. Sun says:

    I think we agree more on this issue than you realize. I have never ever thought that partial birth abortions were okay. I think that if a woman finds herself dealing with an unwanted pregnancy then three months is PLENTY of time to decide if she wants to abort the baby or not. As for women who find out there is something "wrong" with the baby at their 20 week ultrasounds and decide that they don't want "that" baby anymore ….well, I could rant about how disgusting that is for days. Being ready or willing to have a baby doesn't necessarily enter the minds of people when they engage in sex, especially teens. I think that's why there needs to be better education about and access to birth control so that when those people are in the moment they will already be prepared to prevent a pregnancy. They hopefully, will have thought about it before they are in the hormone soaked moment. The thing that drives me nuts is that it takes two people to make a baby yet the woman is the one who has to assume all the consequences and social stigma that comes along with that. All too often the fathers don't stick around the the woman is left in a really difficult situation. Most women in those situations make the right choice and carry the baby to term. I think it's something like only 1/3 of teen pregnancies end in abortion. That is still too high but I think it's important to note that more are choosing life. Just because something is legal doesn't mean that the government condones it as moral. Adultery and gay sex are legal but no government institution is telling us all that we need to commit those acts. It's the same thing with abortion. It's left up to the individual and that's the way I think it should be. So I think we really do mostly agree. I think we just disagree on how much of a role the government should take.

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