Stairway to hospital

We had two momentous occasions happen on our stairs today.  These are the stairs inside our apartment that lead up to the play area and my craft room.  First, Noah was walking up and somehow, no adult saw it so we aren't sure exactly, he fell down.  This happened once before about two years ago and he ended up with a sprained/slight break in his collar bone.  This time, he landed just right (or wrong) and broke the bone right above his left elbow.  He was crying quite uncontrollably for a while, so Chris decided he needed to go to the hospital.  But Noah didn't want Chris to take him, he wanted me.  He also didn't want to go to the hospital, he wanted Dr. Kramreiter.  Unfortunately, Dr. Kramreiter doesn't work on Saturday, but I did take him instead of Papa. 

The doctor really wriggled his arm around quite a bit, and poor Noah was trying to be so brave, but it really hurt him.  They finally gave him a little pain medicine, and that helped a tad.  Then the head doctor came in and started wriggling it around some more, and Noah was really crying out.  He had had enough of their manhandling, even though I could tell the doctors were being very gentle with him.  The head doctor told the nurse to give him some pain medicine.  She told him they already had, and he asked what kind.  When she told him, he shook his head disapprovingly and said, "No, no, not that.  Give him the good stuff."  So he got a second dose of something stronger.  So strong that they told me it may knock him out, it would definitely make him very woozy, and to not be alarmed if he acted drunk.  Also, don't let him sit on anything he could fall off of, and if he fell asleep make sure his bed had rails on it, so he wouldn't fall off.  He never did fall asleep, but he is definitely acting drunk. 

He tried walking by himself and was swaying from side to side, and couldn't stay in a straight line.  I rescued him after just a couple of steps because I didn't want him to fall down and break the other arm!  The two positives are the new tiny teddy he got from the nurse to hold on to while they were examining him, and the cool green cast he gets to sport around tomorrow at church!  On the way out to the car, when it was all over with he said to me, "That wasn't so bad.  I didn't even die!"  Apparently, he thought that going to the hospital meant that he might die.  Poor baby, I am going to hope it was the drugs talking.

This afternoon, little Alexandra climbed up these same stairs all by herself to the very tippy top.  She was very excited and proud of herself, and yes she was being closely monitored by Papa at all times.  Does it make me a little scared that she now has the ability to cause herself great physical harm by tumbling down the same stairs that broke Noah's arm?  Yes, which is why the gate is going up this evening.  I do not want to be on a first name basis with any of the emergency room staff.

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One Response to Stairway to hospital

  1. Sun says:

    Oh poor little guy! The "prizes" they give out do really help…at least for the kids. I think they should give the parents something too. Maybe a big hunk of chocolate or a little of the "good stuff."I hope he's feeling better soon. Can't wait to see that cast!

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