Meet Chuck

Friday was the last day of school. Woohoo!  Also, it was a great mail day.  The toy Chris bought for everyone for a huge joint birthday present arrived in the morning.  I love when the maillady has to ring our bell, cuz she has some giant package that won't fit in our box. (Of course, I am usually still in my pajamas when she comes, but she doesn't seem to mind haha).  It was a Wii!!! 

Chris set it all up while we were eating dinner and then we let the kids stay up a bit longer than usual to try it out.  We decided to name it Chuck while installing it.  We all made our little Mii things, and are having an absolute blast playing with it. 

I have always hated video games.  They are stupid time-wasters with no redeeming qualities whatsoever, and I always said I would never own one.  I still refuse to ever buy the kids Game Boys or PS things or whatever little electronic gadget is the latest "it" toy.  Too expensive and there are so much better things they could be doing with their lives.  However, if you are reading this and your kids have those things, don't think I look down on you or anything.  I just don't like them for my kids, your kids could have 20, I don't care. :) 

But then came the Wii.  Where you have to actually move your body, stand up, interact with others.  It's not just mind-numbing, ignore-everyone-around-you button pushing.  No, it's not the same as actual bowling, but it's so much more fun than the old-style video games.  Plus, there are tons of games that are more fun as two-player games, or even more than that.  No more one person sitting around watching someone else play for an hour or more. ZZZZZZzzzzzzz! One person bats, one person pitches, then they switch.  Plus, the games are short!  So they can play for like 5 minutes and be done.  I like that a lot.

So, yeah, I told Chris I thought it might be fun to get the kids one sometime.  This was at Christmas, when they were THE thing to get for Christmas in the States.  I felt bad about that since here, every store that sold anything electronic had them for sale, but not many people were buying them.  Or so it seemed.  Anyway, we decided that the kids really didn't need any more "little" toys.  But a large gift they could play with for a long time would be a good investment.  So, yes, I now have a video game in my home.  And we all love it.  It is so fun.  Chris and I played tennis after the kids went to bed and had a blast.  We can't wait to get them more games for it for Christmas now.  I am totally hooked.

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