Birthday Celebrations

Every month, all the moms of the kids who have birthdays that month get together and bring in treats for a little birthday celebration in kindergarten.  There are three kids with birthdays in July, and only two weeks of school, so we had to do quite a bit of "discussing" before we found a date that worked for all of us and Frau Kaspar.  Monday was the day.  I brought in two large platters of cut fruit, Tim's mom made a giant Hedgehog shaped bread, with chocolate sticks as the quills, and Hansi's mom brought in potato chips and drink.  Quite the little feast it was.

But before we ate, we all sat in a circle around a beautifully decorated table.  There were lots of lighted candles in the middle of the table, and the lights were off in the room.  On the table there were also three small jars of water.  Each of the children took a turn making a wish for all the birthday children. After they told the wish, they sprinkled a little glitter in each of the three jars.  The glitter represented their wish for that child.  After all the children had had a turn, we moms got to make wishes for the birthday children.  Then the birthday children themselves got to make wishes for each other.  When we were all finished, there was quite a lot of glitter floating in the water.  Frau Kaspar glued a lid onto the top which had a clay figure attached to it that each birthday child had made.  It became their own personal birthday snow globe!  Isn't that a fabulous idea?  I'm telling you, this lady is just the best ever.

Then Frau Kaspar played a few songs on her flute, and the kids all danced around while she played.  When she stopped, the kids who were still dancing were "out" and had to go find a seat back in the circle.  When there were no more children left to dance, we went over to the big table to have our birthday feast.  Now this is public school in Switzerland, so although they aren't overly religious, they still consider themselves a Christian nation and have no qualms about expressing that however they please.  So, it wasn't exactly a fold-your-arms-bow-your-head kind of prayer, but there was definitely a blessing on the food before we ate.  Then the kids sang a little song about being grateful for the food and then we ate.  While they were saying the blessing and singing, everyone held hands around the table.  So cute!

After everyone ate, the moms and Frau Kaspar cleaned up and chatted while the kids played outside.  Nicholas was also having recess, so he came over and snacked on a few apples and played with Alexandra.  She got super excited when she saw him through the glass door, and started calling out to him and smacking on the glass to get his attention.  He is never anything but nice to her, so of course she adores him.  As I was leaving, Frau Kaspar gave me another few pieces of art that Sophie had made to take home so they wouldn't get broken.  We have quite the little collection now, and I am not sure how to best display them.  If any one has any ideas, I would love to hear/see them.

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