New Identities

Wednesday I added on to my list of credits.  You know, like on tv when they show your name and underneath they list all the titles you have.  "Beyonce, singer, songwriter, producer, actress"  That kind of thing.  I am now, drumroll please, a Mary Kay lady and a Swiss Citizen! 

Before any of you run screaming in horror from the computer, let me explain that I have no intention of actually making money (haha, like anyone actually does) selling Mary Kay.  I signed up so I could buy my personal products at a very deep discount.  I just cannot afford it any other way, and I have reached an age where whatever they sell on the shelf at Walmart just isn't gonna cut it anymore.  So if my friends want something I can order it for them at a discount as well, but I am not going to be asking people to do parties or sign up underneath me to sell the stuff.  I was pretty straightforward about that to the lady I signed up under.  Even asked her straight out if she would rather not have me underneath her since I would basically be deadweight.  She declined, thinking I am sure, she could eventually talk me into selling/recruiting.  In fact, while I was filling out the paperwork she invited me to three different training sessions/workshops on various things, like lipstick night.  I told her there was no need for me to go to that kind of stuff, I wasn't going to be doing parties. Gotta give her points for her optimism though.

Secondly, we received a letter from the federal government regarding our citizenship application.  In order to open the letter we were required to pay 165 Swiss francs, which I believe is the fee they require to register your name in the citizenship file.  We don't have the official declaration as of yet, inside the letter they were asking for proof that we had already paid our fees to the state and city offices.  Once we send that in, they will send us some sort of official document stating we have citizenship.  It won't be an actual passport though, from what we can gather.  Those cost extra.:(  But they don't ask for money unless you are approved, so yeehaaw!  We are citizens of two countries now.  The best two on the planet, in my opinion. 

Amy (daughter,sister,wife, mother,aunt,American,Swiss, Mary Kay lady)

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