What a great day!

So, after I posted my little bike update below there was a knock on the door.  Frau B. (hauswartin) asks if I can come downstairs for a minute, she wants to show me something.  Noah and Alexandra are playing happily in the boys' room, so I tell them I will be right back.  When we get outside, she goes over to the side of the garage and comes back wheeling a bike!  She tells me I should try it and if it is the right size, then I can keep it.  I have no idea where she got the bike.  It isn't new, although it is in great condition, so I think she may have gotten it from her friend that sold my original bike. (hopefully this one was acquired in a more above-board manner.)  Anyway, I am just thrilled and the kids got a big kick out of watching me ride it around this afternoon.  I realized that they have never seen me ride a bike.  How sad is that?

While Alexandra was napping in her crib, we decided to take a short bike ride across the street to see the chickens.  Sarah had afternoon kindergarten today, so it was just Sophie, Nick, Noah and I.  They are getting a lot better about riding around the sharp curves of a sidewalk, and had a blast going down the hill.  Noah did fall over at the end, he refused to use his brake to slow down, but there was no blood, and he didn't even cry. I can't wait until we can go for a longer ride all together.  I am so happy!  I have a bike!  And I am so glad I didn't get mad at Frau B. , I could tell she felt really badly about everything.  I even offered to pay her some money for the bike, because we really do like her and  want to stay good friends.  She refused, and said that she really should have asked a second time before tossing the bikes.  And then we laughed at how hindsight is always 20/20, although in German the phrase translates to, Looking backwards, you are always so much smarter.

To make it an even better day, I attended my first Pilates class here in Aeugst.  I found out just a few weeks ago that a friend of mine teaches Yoga and Pilates classes right here in town.  I called her and asked if there were any openings and she said yes, she had one spot left for the early class on Thursday nights.  Fortunately, she is a mom of two young boys as well, so the classes can't start until her husband is home from work.  That makes it convenient for me as well.  The later class would be even better, but that one is full. :( 

I decided to try my bike out on a slightly longer stretch and rode it into town.It isn't far, but there is a constant low grade going up and then at the end, there is quite a steep little stretch.  I made it though, thanks to all my gears, and arrived for my workout completely worked out!  Pilates seems like it is a total piece of cake when you watch someone good do it.  Just a bunch of funky breathing and long stretches and leg lifts.  In reality, it is seriously the most strenuous thing I have ever done.  And when you are really in the right position, you can so feel it.  I can't wait to see what this does for my five-c-section-belly after a few months of regular attendance. 

Valerie was an awesome teacher, she really took her time explaining the different exercises and made sure we were in the right position at all times.  There were four other ladies in the class, besides myself and we met in the little building where Sarah and Sophie used to attend playgroup.  After class, they all shook my hand and introduced themselves and welcomed me to their group. So polite and friendly, I just love Swiss manners!  Anyway, it was a very positive experience and I can't wait to go again.  I may even try a few of the exercises at home, although without my cool squishy mat it just won't be the same. haha

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2 Responses to What a great day!

  1. Dani says:

    Hooray for the new (used) bike and to go out together!

  2. Cristie says:

    I'm so glad you got a bike! Mine was stolen from our locked parking garage several years ago (I'm guessing in a similar manner as a "clean up"), but I never got it back. I found a new one at a garage sale, but it's just not the same. Oh well. I don't know anyone who's made it through a PhD without getting at least one bike stolen. : )
    I love Pilates, by the way! So hard yet so good.

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