Bike Update

A few people have written me asking about what happened with my bike.  On Monday morning, the Hauswartin saw me on the stairs.  She told me that I should put in a claim to my insurance for the bike and then whatever the difference was between what they paid and what it would cost to get a new one, she would pay herself.  That was very kind of her, and I think she really understands that she totally messed up.  I mean, send a second notice around or something before you just go taking people's bikes!

Only problem is, this insurance is one we don't have.  It's kind of like homeowner's insurance, or renter's insurance in the States.  In case your stuff gets stolen, they will reimburse you.  But we figured we don't really have anything worth taking except the car, which is covered under car insurance.  The stuff in the house, well, we live on the fourth floor and it's a bit tricky to get to our apartment other than through the locked door.  So we felt like we were covered.  Didn't know we would be robbed from our Hauswartin!  So now, I am not sure what will happen.  I think she is trying to keep this from going through our actual landlords, I can't imagine they would be too thrilled.  But I also really like her, despite this one incident, and don't want to cause her a lot of financial strain in replacing the bike completely by herself.  Basically, it is still up in the air at this point, but I hope to get it resolved very soon.  I want a bike!

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