gluten free = taste free

Today I was unable to provide food for my children, at least food that was edible.  It was a little stressful, but fortunately, they were pretty good sports, and nobody ended up completely starving to death.  They were just "nearly" dead. haha

It all started when Chris needed to take the car to work as he had missed the last bus that would get him there at a decent time.  Sure, but get milk on your way home, as we are almost out.  So for breakfast I used the last of the milk, mixed with some cream and water, to make hot chocolate for the kiddos, because that is what they wanted.  They weren't interested in breakfast, per se, but some apple slices in a bowl hit the spot just right.  Then they had the last of the yogurts, and we were all set until lunch.  I am going big shopping on Friday, so the pickings are getting kind of slim, but I knew I had hamburger in the freezer downstairs, and decided to make beef stroganoff for lunch.

This is where the trouble starts getting thick.  You see, our freezer is located in our cellar, which is only accessible with a key.  This is a different key from our house key, which we had.  But the key chain with the house key and cellar key on it could not be found even though we looked everywhere.  In all the pockets of every pair of pants and jacket we had all worn the day previously, under all couch cushions, in every purse/bag mommy owns, on every surface in our living room and kitchen.  That key chain was nowhere to be found.  Without that key, there is no hamburger for lunch. Okay, don't panic yet.  Just look in the pantry and see what else there is.  Oh look, a package of gluten free noodles.  I have some eggs, cream and parmesan, I will just make spaghetti carbonara, no problem.  True, the bacon is also downstairs  hanging out with the hamburger, but I just threw in some fresh garlic to add flavor, and it was all good. 

Well, the sauce was all good, the noodles the sauce was on were pretty much inedible.  I don't know they can sell that stuff to poor unsuspecting, celiac disease suffering people, and still sleep at night.  It was seriously disgusting.  Not only did it taste absolutely horrible, it smelled like a dirty diaper, and the texture was absolutely awful.  You had to chew and chew, and it totally stuck to your teeth and just yuck!  We only had them because when we first found out Chris had a wheat allergy I decided to try them.  Then we found out he was as allergic to rice as he is to wheat, which rules out any gluten free so these noodles have just been sitting in the pantry taking up space.  Well, now they are taking up space in the garbage can.  I threw out the rest of the package I hadn't cooked, tossed the cooked noodles away as well, and gave the kids the last of the granola bars and some frozen peas for lunch.

Today was absolutely gorgeous, the sun was shining, there was no wind blowing, and the kids decided to go out and ride their bikes.  Great idea, just one problem.  You know that key chain that has the apartment key and the cellar key on it that is missing?  Well, it also has the garage key on it.  And your bikes are all safely stored and locked up in the garage.  DOH!  They were a bit disappointed but decided to go outside anyway and just play in the courtyard.  (It really was perfect weather, after days and days of rain.)  Our neighbor came out to go grocery shopping and the kids swarmed in behind her to grab their bikes out of the garage when she opened up the door to get to her car.  Yippee!  They can ride their bikes.  The only downside of this, is that they are really working up an appetite and I don't know what I am going to feed them. Sure, we have some bananas and more apples, but that isn't gonna fill them up by a long shot.

Things were looking desperate until I got the great idea to make some cinnamon rolls and fruit smoothies for an early dinner.  I did have all the ingredients for these things in my cupboards upstairs.  Hurray!  And Chris brought home more milk and bread, so the kids were able to go to bed with full tummies.  It was a close call there for a while, and we still haven't found the keys, but we will keep Chris' set with us tomorrow, so we don't have to repeat today's mishaps.

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