It's a world of laughter, a world of tears…

I am so excited, I think I am going to burst!  I just keep breaking out into little giggles all day.  Why?  Because we just booked our first ever trip to Disneyland Paris, that's why.  We promised the kids for one of their Christmas presents we would take them, then all the hotels were already booked for the two weeks of Christmas vacation.  So, we are going the last week in February, and I cannot wait!  They are having some really cool deals because they are celebrating 15 years of being in Paris, so we will be staying 3 nights at the hotel, with four days of entry to all the parks.  And we are considering another night so we can actually see some of Paris as well.  You know, since we will be there already. 

The kids, poor darlings, although excited, have no idea really why they are excited.  Just that Mommy keeps telling them how cool it is and how much fun they will have.  I explained to them today that this is just such a huge part of my childhood, and I am really happy to finally be able to share it with them.  Do you know, I was able to go to Disneyland every single year since I can remember up until I went on my mission at age 22?  It just doesn't seem like summer without a ride on Space Mountain.  I am hoping that this will turn into a tradition for our family.

I told them that Disneyland had lots of rides, kind of like the carnivals they have here.  But that the rides are better than anything at the carnival.  And that it is full of stores just like the Disney store we went to in Las Vegas.  That got their attention.  They still don't really understand, but I think after four days, they will have figured it out! 🙂

I showed them on the Disney website a few of the rides and some pictures of one of the parades.   They had fun picking out all the characters they knew, and the girls keep asking if Peter Pan will be there, and Tinkerbell, and of course, all the princesses.  Now I just need to make some autograph books so the kids can collect the pictures and autographs of their favorite characters.  Yes, I know I could buy them there, but hello!  I am a scrapbooker, we don't buy things other people made!

No pictures today, just had to type that so I could get some of my giddiness out.  Otherwise I would have been useless for the rest of the day.

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